Unifying Principles of Islamic Architecture:
1. Architecture as
Tawhid (devotion & faith): (Unity &
Uniquity (Oneness) of Allah)
“There is no god but The God/Allah and
Mohammad is his Messenger /Prophet”
Notion of
Tawhid: al Quran - haqiqa (formless essence) nature of space, forms, order,
orients – place man the
presence of Divine Unity
architecture of Allah Unity & Uniquity is: Ka’bah. It is towards which Muslims face their five
daily prayers.
a. Shahada:
Ka’bah- Muslim
b. Notion
of Tawhid: al Quran - haqiqa (formless essence)
c. Catalyst
- Building Community: Mosque
At-Taqwa, Quba was the first to be built before building a
community. It was the Center for Muslim Social Life. It was used for education,
administration, court, public service, economic platform, and military
planning, govern country, religious event. The 5 daily Solah Jamaah was held.
d. Urban
Planning/ Contex – Sunnah (Fiqh Law)- unifying city -thru’ guide to every day
action and behaviour
2. Architecture of
Ihtiram: Respect, propriety or adab (good manners) to
God, fellow man and oneself
a. Shahada
b. Muhammad
pbuh- perfect eg. of propriety and praiseworthy characteristics & example -
perfect good manners
c. 5
pillars: shahada, salat (prayer), zakat (alms), fasting and hajj
d. Al
Quran – guide-respect
e. Self-conscious
f. Muslim
Architect- Islam as AdDin: practice
Architecture -submission - Allah- strives on path of purity
g. Islamic
Architecture Symbolism: - symbolism, harmony and purity of geometry of the
Ka’bah are found in sacred architecture throughout the Islamic world
h. Respect
Essence of Islam & Humanity: - building as sanctuary-Masjidil Haram &
Masjidil An Nabawi
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